An App for automated classification of GPS tracking data is publicly available!
In HABITRACK, we process large amounts of GPS tracking data of our studied bird species. The first step of many of our analyses requires discriminating their breeding grounds, wintering grounds, stopover sites, and migration routes. To facilitate their identification, Jan Hanzelka, a postdoctoral researcher at IVB, has developed an App called “Migration and Stationary Sites“. It is now publicly available on the MoveApps platform.
We tested it on the tracking data of curlews and will also test it on other species studied in HABITRACK. We encourage movement ecology enthusiasts, and especially our fellow ornithologists, to try our App and enjoy the effortless and automated process of classifying their GPS data sets. We are particularly interested to know if the algorithm can adapt to the tracks of many bird species. Don’t hesitate to contact us!
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